How to Export an Argos Report to Excel

Tags Argos

Exporting an Argos Report to Excel in the Argos Client (Desktop Version)

First, log in to Argos and launch the application. Find the report you would like to export and run it. 

Once ran, right-click and select "Save Results" from the drop-down.


This will bring up the Save Results dialogue box. If there are certain columns you do not want to export, uncheck them; otherwise, proceed straight to the "Launch" button.


This will bring up the Save Grid Results dialogue box. Select where you would like to save the file. The image below is an example of saving the file to your desktop. Name your file, and then select Save.


Because we selected launch, the file will automatically open once you have selected to save it. Notice the name on the top of the file matches the name you provided. Remember, in order to save any formatting, you must then select SAVE AS from the file menu, and select the .xlsx file type. Keeping as the CSV file type will not allow you to save any formatting changes.


And that is it! You have successfully saved your Argos report as an excel file for further data mining as needed.


Exporting an Argos Report to Excel in the Argos Web View (Online Version)

Depending on your level of access or the software installed on your computer, you may not be able to run reports using the Client version. If this is the case, the web version works just fine!  Simply follow the steps below to export your report.

First, find the report you want to export, and run it by double-clicking the applicable data block, as seen below.


Once the report has ran (and data is presented in the body of the report), select the gear located in the bottom-right of the screen and select "Export All to CSV", as seen below.

This will launch the Export Data dialogue box. Uncheck any fields you do not want to export (if applicable), then hit "Apply".


This will immediately trigger the download, which will reflect at the bottom-left if you are using Google Chrome. 


The file will also be available in the Downloads folder on your computer, which is where it automatically saves when using the web version. Simply open the file and select File > Save As to convert to Excel (.xlsx) and indicate where you want the file to be saved on your computer. Once this is saved elsewhere as an Excel file, feel free to delete the CSV version stored in your downloads folder.


And that is it! You now know how to export reports out of Argos.