WebStar's Faculty and Advisor Self-Service platform offers a user-friendly interface and essential features tailored to optimize faculty workflows and enhance the teaching experience. From managing class rosters to submitting grades and accessing teaching assignments, the platform empowers faculty members to focus on delivering quality education. This article outlines the key functionalities and access methods for Faculty Self-Service.

Drop Roster: Drop Roster replaces the Roster Selection Menu from WebStar 8 (Legacy) and introduces an improved user interface for managing class lists. This functionality allows faculty members to easily view their class rosters and efficiently update student registration statuses. By utilizing the Action field list, faculty members can seamlessly drop students who meet eligibility criteria, thus optimizing administrative processes related to class management.

Submit Grades: Faculty Grade Entry offers faculty members mobile capability for entering assignment grades and posting midterm, final, and incomplete grades. The application can then automatically compute final grades. To make things even easier, faculty members can also import grades directly from their existing spreadsheets or their learning management system.

Faculty Detail Schedule: Provides a detailed view of the instructor's schedule for the selected term, including the option to integrate syllabus and office hours for better communication with students.

- Syllabus

- Office Hours

Faculty Assignments: Efficiently manage teaching assignments, enabling better planning and coordination of instructional activities.

Master Roster Button: Quick access to the iPaaS Master Roster Form for comprehensive student roster information, supporting administrative tasks like attendance tracking and academic advising.

Accessing Faculty Self-Service
Users can access Faculty Self-Service through multiple pathways within the WebStar platform:
Employee Quick Links: Upon logging into WebStar, users can locate the Faculty link within the "Employee Quick Links" card. This card typically appears prominently upon entering the platform, providing quick access to essential features.
Navigation Menu: Alternatively, users can access Faculty Self-Service through the navigation menu. By clicking on the waffle cone icon located at the top left corner of the interface, users can access a dropdown menu. From there, they can navigate to Faculty Self-Service by selecting "Banner" followed by "Faculty Self Service."