Key Process
If a physical key 🔑 is being requested, please follow these steps:
Step #1: Fill out a Key Charge Card with the location you need to access with the physical key you are requesting, Example: Building 1234 Room 5678 (The more specific you are with the location you need access to the faster we can locate the key you need), IF YOU HAVE THE KEY # PLEASE PROVIDE IT AS THIS HELPS US LOCATE THE KEY QUICKER. 
Step #2: Key Charge Card MUST be signed by your department head and your VP (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Step #3: Reach out to Maintenance (ext 6371) to let her know your key charge card is signed and the location + Key # so she can prepare your key for you.
Step #4: Wait until you receive an email from Maintenance (ext 6371) letting you know your key is ready to be picked up and make sure you let her know your availability so you can schedule a time to pick it up with her in Maintenance (1800 Building)
Step #5: Sign your key charge card in the signature box when you pick up your key.
NOTES: You must give Maintenance (ext 6371) 5-10 business days to get your key ready for retrieval.
Reasons your physical key can take a while to prepare:
- Key needs to duplicated
- Location of access you are requesting a key for was not listed on the key charge card.
- You are requesting a key close to the beginning of a new semester. (New Semester access takes priority)
- Key Charge Card was not provided.
If a key card 💳 is being requested, please follow these steps:
Step #1: Submit ticket through Team Dynamix as a Key Request Ticket. MUST INCLUDE THE LOCATION OF THE ACCESS YOU’RE REQUESTING CARD ACCESS FOR
Step #2: Wait for the ticket to be approved.
Step #3: Once ticket is approved, Maintenance (ext 6371) will reach out to you to set up a day/time for you to stop by and retrieve your card access (if you don’t already have a key card in your possession).
Notes: You must give Maintenance (ext 6371) 5-10 business days to get your key ready for retrieval.
Reasons your key card can take a while to prepare:
- You submitted your ticket as Lock & Door Problems or Maintenance Request or another Request that is NOT a Key Request Ticket.
- Location of access you are requesting a key card for was not listed on the ticket.
- You are requesting a key card close to the beginning of a new semester. (New Semester access takes priority).
- No ticket was submitted.