My Recently Visited Services

This form is used to submit work requests for brochures, Display Booth (design and setup), Flyers, News Releases, Photo Requests, Posters/Signs, etc.

This ticket is to request for new or updating card access. Lost/replacement card access is documented for record keeping.
**You must give Maintenance (ext 6371) 5-10 business days to get your key ready for retrieval.**

This ticket is to request additional cleaning support to buildings, classrooms, labs, offices and restrooms. Small paint jobs or light bulb replacement. Moving and relocation support.

Form to Request a Duplicate Diploma or Certificate.

To manage resources efficiently and to ensure that important projects are accomplished in as timely a manner as possible, Technology Services utilizes a project request and prioritization process to solicit input and establish project priorities for requested projects which are deemed to be of the greatest need to the District.

This ticket is to request additional building and equipment maintenance services which include interior finishes, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing.

This ticket is to request additional building and equipment maintenance services which include interior finishes, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing.

If you have an ESL request please click on the service request button on the right and fill out the form. Si ocupas ayuda, presiona el boton nombrado "Request service" y llena la forma.

Need to populate short description

This ticket is to request or outline requested building modifications or additions to existing campus infrastructure. Please know most requests which require major building modifications or construction will be recommended for program review.

An official document which provides enrollment status for requested semester.

A form to challenge a prerequisite or corequisite course.

This ticket is to request any observed plumbing issues. Significantly founded issues should be directed to our office immediately.

Authorizes eligible students to pay in-state tuition.

If you’ve encountered any difficulties with your CCCApply Application while registering for classes at Imperial Valley College, please complete this support form. We’re here to assist you!